I received $380.16
in dividends in JULY.

Every quarter there are 3 months or dividend payouts, this is the smallest one.

Monthly Dividends per Year 2016
Month 2015 2016 2016 $INC 2016 %INC Q OVER Q INC
April $201.00 $313.00
July $200.00 $380.00 $180.00 90.00% 21.41%

Last July my dividend total was $200 giving me a year over year increase of 90%!

My quarter over quarter increase was 21.41% and my total dividend haul this year is now $3221.

Is it just me or does anyone else feel like Gollum from lord of the rings every time you receive a dividend payment? My PRECIOUS!!

Market Musings

The Dow hit a record high in July off weak earnings.

I like to use the Schiller P/E ratio to gauge the value of the overall market.

July – S&P 500 had a Shiller P/E: 26.9.

That is 61.1% higher than the historical mean of 16.7

Prof. Robert Shiller of Yale University, who won the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences in 2013 – invented the Schiller P/E to measure the market’s valuation. Schiller also predicted the crazy P/E ratios of the late 90’s would turn out to be a bubble.

I continue to move to safety.

Moves in JULY

Total Purchases $5580

Total Sales $1997

I sold 100 shares of KMI this month.

I bought 219 shares of TSE:XLB Canadian Long Term Bond ETF for $25.47 per share for a total of $5577. This brings my total share to 299. I plan to add more of this next month unless the market drops in which case I will buy more stocks.

I will look to buy if the DOW gets as low as 17000.