Stock Purchases

Stock Purchases – February 2017

What’s up FIRE bronies. Time for some more stock purchases!

I’ve been doing some more buying, adding some of this and a little of that, hoping to catch a few deals in an expensive market.


Companies I Bought

Company SymbolCompany NameShares PurchasedPurchase PriceTotal Dollar AmountYearly Income
[stock_quote symbol="TSE:AQN"]Algonquin Power & Utilities Corp1000$11.20$11,200$613.20
[stock_quote symbol="TSE:CPG"]Crescent Point Energy200$14.05$2,810$72.00
[stock_quote symbol="TSE:ALA"]Altagas Ltd200$32.00$6,400$420.00
[stock_quote symbol="TSE:BIP.UN"]Brookfield Infrastructure Partners56$46.20$2,587$97.44
Total Yearly Dividend Increase$1,202.64

Nuts and Bolts

I decided not to start any new positions but instead, added to existing companies I already own.

I’m pretty high on energy and utilities right now.

I will probably add more shares to AQN.

I’m still sitting on a large pile of cash at the moment and am really hoping for a correction sometime in this year.

Crash and burn!
Never sell bro.


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January Income

Dividend Income – January 2017

Last month was my best payday ever with a dividend income of $766.38 for December. That put my year total to over the 6G mark that I was pushing hard to hit. Let’s take a look at January.

This year, my goal is to smash $8,000! It’s a pretty lofty goal and I figure I need to save around 50 grand of new capital to hit this mark, based on a 4% dividend on new purchases.

$50,000 will be around a 70% savings rate. I’m not going to lie, this is going to be extremely difficult. A family of 5 on a single income with children in every activity known to man, we shall see…

January Dividend Income

For the month of January I received dividends from 14 different companies (and 1 company twice):

TSE:AX.UNArtis REIT$99.72
TSE:CLFCanada Bonds$72.00
TSE:PLZ.UNPlaza REIT$69.54
WDCWestern Digital$60.50
TSE:NVU.UNNorthview Apartment REIT$46.17
TSE:NVU:UNNorthview Apartment REIT$41.01
TSE:D.UNDream Office REIT$37.75
BENFranklin Resources$30.00
TSE:BEI.UNBoardwalk REIT$19.13
TSE:PZAPizza Pizza$16.04

I received $639.32 in dividends for the month of January.

What should I do with all this free cash? I could buy a…

LG 43″ 4K UHD Smart LED with WebOS 3.0

Dividend Income
Look at all these pixels~

Full HD 1080p with a whopping 8.3 million pixels!!!!

Well, instead of buying a nice TV, I decided to DRIP my money to buy more high quality stocks to compound that growth!

43″ just ain’t good enough.


Nuts and Bolts

  • My year over year increase was 74.15% or $272.12 more than January 2016
  • My quarter over quarter increase was 33.32%
  • I had a great quarter, I’m moving in the right direction
Month 2015 2016 2017 2017 $ INC 2017 % INC
January $152.00 $367.00 $639.12 $272.12 74.15%
February $229.00 $427.00 $0.00 0 0.00%
March $385.00 $602.00 $0.00 0 0.00%
April $201.00 $313.00 $0.00 0 0.00%
May $375.00 $456.00 $0.00 0 0.00%
June $475.00 $676.00 $0.00 0 0.00%
July $200.00 $380.00 $0.00 0 0.00%
August $375.00 $501.00 $0.00 0 0.00%
September $499.00 $716.88 $0.00 0 0.00%
October $236.00 $479.38 $0.00 0 0.00%
November $418.00 $514.57 $0.00 0 0.00%
December $624.00 $760.03 $0.00 0 0.00%
YTD Total $4,169.00 $6,192.86 $639.12 $272.12 -89.68%

My total dividend haul this year has started off well at $639.12. I only need $5,553.74 to hit my last years total

January Monies

Last year I passed my prior year in October. I’m trying to beat 2016 total even sooner this year.

How Much Free Money?

Year Total Dividends Received
2014 $2,421.00
2015 $4,169.00
2016 $6,193.00
2017 $639.00
2018 $0.00
2019 $0.00
2020 $0.00
Total  $13,422

Since 2014 I have received $13,422 of free money just to own some companies.

That’s enough free money to buy my a brand new…

Mitsubishi Mirage ($12,698)


I hope everyone else has a great year.

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