My monthly investing update

November Dividend Income

Dividend Income – November 2016

Last month was a slow month with a dividend income of $479.38 in OctoberLet’s check out my dividend income for November to see where I end up.

November Dividend Income

For the month of November I received dividends from 14 different companies (and 1 company twice):

TickerCompany NameNov
TSE:RYRoyal Bank$87.15
TSE:DRG.UNDream Global REIT$55.07
TSE:PLZ.UNPlaza REIT$54.91
TSE:AX.UNArtis REIT$48.33
TSE:NVU.UNNorthview Apartment REIT$45.63
TSE:NVU.UNNorthview Apartment REIT$29.47
TSE:D.UNDream Office REIT$22.88
TSE:BEI.UNBoardwalk REIT$19.13
TSE:PZA.UNPizza Pizza$15.97
TSE:PWFPower Financial$14.92
TSE:SJR.BShaw Communications$7.41

I received $514.75 in dividends for the month of November. Over $500 dollars for doing very little work. Enough free money to cover the payments of a new car! It’s crazy to think that my dividends alone could buy me a free car.

November Dividend Income


Nuts and Bolts

  • My year over year increase was 23.10% or $96.57 more then 2015
  • My quarter over quarter increase was 2.71%
  • I had very little growth this quarter due to saving cash and not buying very much.
Month 2015 2016 2016 $INC 2016 %INC
January $152.00 $367.00 $215.00 141.45%
February $229.00 $427.00 $198.00 86.46%
March $385.00 $602.00 $217.00 56.36%
April $201.00 $313.00 $112.00 55.72%
May $375.00 $456.00 $81.00 21.60%
June $475.00 $676.00 $201.00 42.32%
July $200.00 $380.00 $180.00 90.00%
August $375.00 $501.00 $126.00 33.60%
September $499.00 $716.88 $217.88 43.66%
October $236.00 $479.38 $243.38 103.13%
November $418.00 $514.57 $96.57 23.10%


Every quarter there are 3 months or dividend payouts, this is the middle one.

My total dividend haul this year is now $5432.83, already $1,263 more than my last years TOTAL!!

Annual Dividends
I have already crushed my last years total but I only have 1 more month to reach my goal of $6,000

How Much Free Money?

Year Total Dividends Received
2014 $2,421.00
2015 $4,169.00
2016 $5,432.83
2017 $0.00
2018 $0.00
2019 $0.00
2020 $0.00
Total  $12,022.83

Since 2014 I have received $12,022.83 of free money just to own some companies.

How cool is that!

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November stock purchases and sales

November Stock Purchases And Sales

Well, it’s been a while. I have had a very busy November with 9 stock purchases and 2 Sales.

The last time I made a move was in August when I sold Allied Properties at $39.33 [stock_quote symbol=”AP.UN”] and picked up Western Digital at $46.50 [stock_quote symbol=”WDC”]

Let’s take a look at the moves in November.

Companies I Bought

Company SymbolCompany NameShares
Purchase PriceTotal Dollar AmountYearly Income
[stock_quote symbol="TSE:TA"]TransAlta Corp890$6.19$5,509$142
[stock_quote symbol="SJR.B"]Shaw Communications75$26.31$1,973$89
[stock_quote symbol="PLZ.UN"]Plaza REIT650$4.83$3,139$169
[stock_quote symbol="BIP.UN"]Brookfield Infrastructure Partners46$43.39$1,995$72
[stock_quote symbol="TSE:BTE"]Baytex Energy200$5.23$1,0460
[stock_quote symbol="D.UN"]Dream Office REIT116$17.72$2,055$174
[stock_quote symbol="NVU.UN"]Northview Apartment REIT92$19.00$1,558$150
[stock_quote symbol="AX.UN"]Artis REIT559$11.56$6,492$603

Companies I sold

Company SymbolCompany NameShares SoldSale PriceTotal Dollar AmountYearly Income Loss
[stock_quote symbol="REI.UN"]Riocan REIT204$26.40$5,385$287
[stock_quote symbol="TSE:ECA"]Encana Corp368$16.80$6,182$22.08
[stock_quote symbol="DRG.UN"]Dream Global REIT832$9.25$7,696$665

Method To The Madness

At the end of every year I like to tighten up the portfolio a little bit. I also have about $40,000 of bonds with a stop loss on them until the end of December that I imagine will trigger.

If you’re like me you probably love going through quarterly financial reports and reading balance sheets. After a year of buying and not much selling I have ended up with too many companies to actively stay up to date on each company’s news.

For myself, I figure I can handle about 20 or so companies.

I currently have 28 companies and have made a couple of mistakes with bad timing by not paying attention for financial result dates.

Moves In November

In November, I sold 2 companies that were good but I found a little redundant in Dream Global and RioCan. I also sold Encana.

I sold RioCan because it’s metrics were the worst out of my current REITS and they never increase their Divi. Also, I didn’t own enough shares to offer a DRIP. I do understand that you pay a premium for the name Riocan because of its moat but I made my money and it’s time to move on.

My next move was to drop Dream Global. This was a tough move for me. I have made nothing but money off this guy and I hate to toss it out in the trash. Unfortunately the REIT’s AFFO payout ratio is expected to be about 115% this year. I can’t take the risk of a dividend cut.

Last I sold Encana Corp. The main reason I sold Encana was that I believe it is too expensive compared to the price of oil. I originally bought ECA at $16.00 when the price of a barrel of oil was at $60. I watched Encana plunge from my purchase price to $4.14! Long story short I sold it this week for $16.80. Cya Sucker.

Going Forward

I will be looking to lean out the portfolio some more in December but the problem is there is a lot of good stuff to buy!



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Best Dividend Stocks November


If you are like me, you probably find it tough to dig through the mountains of information floating out there on the internet. With so many opinions of what you should buy, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Well, fear not, I have done a bit of the heavy lifting to (hopefully) find some of the best dividend stocks for the November!

This is my list of November U.S. Dividend Kings.

About my list

There are over 5000 stocks on the U.S. exchanges and only 9 made my November list. As you can see by the list below, it’s not easy being a U.S. Dividend King and these stocks all had to pass a series of test to make it on the list.

The Criteria

This month I loosened up the criteria by a sliver to allow a few more companies to make the list (In BOLD). It is a very expensive market but with bond prices the way that they are, there could still be plenty of upside left to this bull.

  1. The company must have 25 or more years of uninterrupted dividend growth.
  2. The company must have a Graham number greater than its current share price.
  3. Its payout ratio must be under 70%
  4. Its P/E ratio must be under 15
  5. The company must have a price to book ratio under 2


TickerStreakYieldPriceGraham ValueP/EEPSDividendPayout %P/BookDiv/Gr 10yr
  1. Community Trust Bancorp.

Community Trust Bancorp Inc is a bank holding company. The Company, through its subsidiaries provides commercial and personal banking and wealth management services.

2. Franklin Resources

Franklin Resources Inc is an investment management company. The Company’s services include fund administration, sales, distribution, marketing, shareholder servicing, and other fiduciary services.

3. Old Republic International

Old Republic International Corporation is engaged in insurance underwriting and related services. It conducts its operations through General Insurance, Title Insurance, and the Republic Financial Indemnity and consumer credit indemnity Run-off Business.

4. Aflac Inc

Aflac Inc is a general business holding company and acts as a management company. The Company sells supplemental health and life insurance in the United States and Japan.

5. First Financial

First Financial Corp is a financial holding company. It offers financial services such as commercial, mortgage and consumer lending, lease financing, trust account services and depositor services through its subsidiaries.

6. AT&T Inc

AT&T Inc, through its subsidiaries, is engaged in provision of communications and digital entertainment services in the United States and the world.

7. Archer-Daniels Midland

Archer-Daniels Midland Co is a processor of oilseeds, corn, wheat, cocoa, and other feedstuffs and is a manufacturer of vegetable oil and protein meal, corn sweeteners, flour, biodiesel, ethanol, and other value-added food and feed ingredients.

8. Universal Corp

Universal Corp is a leaf tobacco supplier. It is engaged in procuring and processing flue-cured and burley leaf tobacco for manufacturers of consumer tobacco products.

9. 1st Source Corp

-1st Source Corp through its subsidiary offers commercial and consumer banking services, trust and investment management services, and insurance to individual and business clients in Indiana and Michigan.

Final Thoughts

The best way to use my U.S. Dividend Kings list is as a starting point for your own research.

Don’t feel confined to my methods. Look up the values that mean the most to you.

Like any screening method , the purpose of my list is to help you dig through the stock market to find some of the best U.S. dividend stocks, which can then be further researched.

Disclosure. I’m long BEN and ORI and may or may not purchase shares in any of the stocks in this post.

Resources from: Morningstar, Google Finance, Zacks,

The US Dividend Champions are maintained by Dave Fish of Moneypaper’s DirectInvesting.com.