My monthly investing update

December Dividend Income

Dividend Income – December 2016

Last month was a good month with a dividend income of $514.57 for the month of NovemberI want to try and keep my monthly dividends above that $500 mark. My dividend income for December should smash that, it was my top month of last year and I’m curious to see where my year ends up.

 December Dividend Income

For the month of December I received dividends from 20 different companies (and 1 company twice):

TickerCompany NameAmount
TSE:AX.UNArtis REIT$99.00
TSE:CWBCanadian Western Bank$82.57
TSE:PLZ.UNPlaza REIT$69.24
ORIOld Republic$65.63
TSE:NVU:UNNorthview Apartment REIT$45.90
TSE:NVU.UNNorthview Apartment REIT$40.74
TSE:D.UNDream Office REIT$37.50
AIGAmerican International$32.00
TSE:BIP.UNBrookfield Infr$24.29
TSE:BEI.UNBoardwalk REIT$19.13
TSE:PZAPizza Pizza$16.04
TSE:POWPower Corp$11.73
TSE:MGMagna International$6.56

I received $766.38 in dividends for the month of December. That is 70 hours paid at B.C.’s minimum wage of $10.85 per hour!

December Dividend Income

Nuts and Bolts

  • My year over year increase was 21.8% or $136.57 more then 2015
  • My quarter over quarter increase was 6.02%
  • I had a decent quarter, I’m moving in the right direction
Month 2015 2016 2016 $INC 2016 %INC
January $152.00 $367.00 $215.00 141.45%
February $229.00 $427.00 $198.00 86.46%
March $385.00 $602.00 $217.00 56.36%
April $201.00 $313.00 $112.00 55.72%
May $375.00 $456.00 $81.00 21.60%
June $475.00 $676.00 $201.00 42.32%
July $200.00 $380.00 $180.00 90.00%
August $375.00 $501.00 $126.00 33.60%
September $499.00 $716.88 $217.88 43.66%
October $236.00 $479.38 $243.38 103.13%
November $418.00 $514.57 $96.57 23.10%
December $624.00 $760.03 $136.03 21.80%
YTD Total $4,169.00 $6,192.86 $2,023.86 48.55%

My total dividend haul this year is now $6,192.86, $2,023.86 more than my last years total. 

Every quarter there are 3 months or dividend payouts, this is the big one.

Annual Dividend Income

I passed my last years total in October. This year, I had a goal of $6,000 and just squeaked past.

How Much Free Money?

Year Total Dividends Received
2014 $2,421.00
2015 $4,169.00
2016 $6,193.00
2017 $0.00
2018 $0.00
2019 $0.00
2020 $0.00
Total  $12,783

Since 2014 I have received $12,783 of free money just to own some companies.

I hope everyone else had a great year.


Dividend Income – December 2016 Read More »

My Goals 2017


At the end of every year I like to take some time to look back at my last years goals in review and also plan a little bit ahead for the year to come.

Simpson Goals

Here is the list of goals I set out for myself at the beginning of 2016 and the dates of the ones I completed.


  • Have $150,ooo in my self directed investment account *Complete May 20*
  • Have $125,000 in my company pension. *Complete July 22*
  • Get pre-approved for a rental property *Comlete Aug 1st*
  • Buy a rental property and slum lord it up *NOPE*
  • Save money for trip to Cuba  *Complete June 15*
  • Earn $6,000 yearly in dividend income *Complete Dec 30*
  • Have over $30,000 in cash for market crash *Complete June 28*
  • Open a margin account for market crash (only to be used if Dow drops +40%) *Complete May 3*

I had a very successful year in the market (like everyone else) and finished 7 out of my 8 goals I set for myself.

The single goal I never finished was to buy a rental property. There are several reasons for this but the main one is the house prices here in Vancouver have started to show signs of weakness (YAY!). I don’t want to buy at the top and there is no stop loss on houses.

Some of the goals need to be adjusted moving forward. For instance, my LIRA account was over $40,000 higher than I assumed as I tallied the contributions with 0% growth. It is currently at $171,000 so I need to revise that on my 2017 list.

Below is a list of goals for 2017 that I made in Jan 2016. I have already passed several of these and need to revise up.


  • Have $175,ooo in my self directed investment account *Complete Oct Updated Below*
  • Have $135,000 in my pension *Complete Updated Below* 
  • Save money for trip to Hawaii with kids
  • Earn $8,000 yearly in dividend income
  • Have over $40,000 in cash for market crash *Complete Nov Updated Below*
  • Increase my margin account to be ready for a market crash.



  • Have $225,000 in personal investment account
  • Have $175,000 in LIRA pension
  • Save $50,000 in Cash or HISA or GIC for crash 
  • Increase my margin account to over $50,000
  • Don’t have a dividend cut
  • Dividend increases by 50% of my companies
  • Earn $8,000 in total dividends by the end of 2017
  • Increase my dividend payout an average of $170 per month ($2,000/12).
  • Have one month that breaks the $1,000 mark
  • Have my investments beat the market by over 0.01%


I set my goals high.

I’m not sure if I can reach any of these goals let alone all of them, but as long as I’m trying, I’m moving in the right direction. Life has a way of ruining your best laid out plans and I fully expect there to be bumps along the road. The trick is to not get discouraged and keep pushing forward.

As a DGI/Value investor, what are your goals for 2017?

GOALS FOR 2017 Read More »

Best Dividend Stocks December


It’s time again to try and dig through all the noise out there and find what are the best dividend stocks for December.

This is my list of December Dividend Kings.

About my list

There are over 5000 stocks on the U.S. exchanges and only 9 made my December list. As you can see by the list below, it’s not easy being a U.S. Dividend King and these stocks all had to pass a series of test to make it on the list.

The Criteria

This month I loosened up the criteria by a sliver to allow a few more companies to make the list (In BOLD).

  1. The company must have 25 or more years of uninterrupted dividend growth
  2. The company must have a Graham number greater than its current share price
  3. Its payout ratio must be under 70%
  4. Its P/E ratio must be under 15
  5. The company must have a price to book ratio under 2
  6. Must have a market cap above 1 billion dollars


TickerStreakYieldPriceGraham ValueP/EEPSDividendPayout %P/BookDiv/Gr 10yr

As you can see from the list above, there were only 2 companies that passed the King’s test in every category. Those companies were Aflac inc and Old Republic International.

The Best Dividend Stocks

  1. Cincinnati Financial Corp

Cincinnati Financial Corporation engages in the property casualty insurance business in the United States. It operates through five segments: Commercial Lines Insurance, Personal Lines Insurance, Excess and Surplus Lines Insurance, Life Insurance, and Investments.

2. Universal Corp

Universal Corp is a leaf tobacco supplier and is engaged in procuring and processing flue-cured and burley leaf tobacco for manufacturers of consumer tobacco products.

3. Consolidated Edison Inc

-Consolidated Edison, Inc., through its subsidiaries, engages in regulated electric, gas, and steam delivery businesses in the United States

4. Archer-Daniels Midland

Archer-Daniels Midland Co is a processor of oilseeds, corn, wheat, cocoa, and other feedstuffs and is a manufacturer of vegetable oil and protein meal, corn sweeteners, flour, biodiesel, ethanol, and other value-added food and feed ingredients.

5. Franklin Resources

Franklin Resources Inc is an investment management company. The Company’s services include fund administration, sales, distribution, marketing, shareholder servicing, and other fiduciary services.

6. Old Republic International

Old Republic International Corporation is an insurance underwriting and related services company. It conducts its operations through General Insurance, Title Insurance, and the Republic Financial Indemnity and consumer credit indemnity Run-off Business.

7. Aflac Inc

Aflac Inc is a general business holding company and acts as a management company. The Company sells supplemental health and life insurance in the United States and Japan.

8. AT&T Inc

AT&T Inc, through its subsidiaries, is engaged in provision of communications and digital entertainment services in the United States and the world.

9. 1st Source Corp

-1st Source Corp through its subsidiary offers commercial and consumer banking services, trust and investment management services, and insurance to individual and business clients in Indiana and Michigan.

Final Thoughts

Personally, when I buy stocks I start with a list of metrics just like this. Like any screening method , the purpose of my list is to help you dig through the stock market to find some of the best U.S. dividend stocks, which can then be further researched.

Going through the numbers, I’m looking at buying AT&T, ADM and AFLAC if the market takes a dip.

The best way to use my U.S. Dividend Kings list is as a starting point.

Don’t feel confined to my methods. Look up the values that mean the most to you.

Disclosure. I’m long BEN and ORI and may or may not purchase shares in any of the stocks in this post.

Resources from: Morningstar, Google Finance, Zacks,

The US Dividend Champions are maintained by Dave Fish of Moneypaper’s DirectInvesting.com.