My monthly investing update

January Income

Dividend Income – January 2017

Last month was my best payday ever with a dividend income of $766.38 for December. That put my year total to over the 6G mark that I was pushing hard to hit. Let’s take a look at January.

This year, my goal is to smash $8,000! It’s a pretty lofty goal and I figure I need to save around 50 grand of new capital to hit this mark, based on a 4% dividend on new purchases.

$50,000 will be around a 70% savings rate. I’m not going to lie, this is going to be extremely difficult. A family of 5 on a single income with children in every activity known to man, we shall see…

January Dividend Income

For the month of January I received dividends from 14 different companies (and 1 company twice):

TSE:AX.UNArtis REIT$99.72
TSE:CLFCanada Bonds$72.00
TSE:PLZ.UNPlaza REIT$69.54
WDCWestern Digital$60.50
TSE:NVU.UNNorthview Apartment REIT$46.17
TSE:NVU:UNNorthview Apartment REIT$41.01
TSE:D.UNDream Office REIT$37.75
BENFranklin Resources$30.00
TSE:BEI.UNBoardwalk REIT$19.13
TSE:PZAPizza Pizza$16.04

I received $639.32 in dividends for the month of January.

What should I do with all this free cash? I could buy a…

LG 43″ 4K UHD Smart LED with WebOS 3.0

Dividend Income
Look at all these pixels~

Full HD 1080p with a whopping 8.3 million pixels!!!!

Well, instead of buying a nice TV, I decided to DRIP my money to buy more high quality stocks to compound that growth!

43″ just ain’t good enough.


Nuts and Bolts

  • My year over year increase was 74.15% or $272.12 more than January 2016
  • My quarter over quarter increase was 33.32%
  • I had a great quarter, I’m moving in the right direction
Month 2015 2016 2017 2017 $ INC 2017 % INC
January $152.00 $367.00 $639.12 $272.12 74.15%
February $229.00 $427.00 $0.00 0 0.00%
March $385.00 $602.00 $0.00 0 0.00%
April $201.00 $313.00 $0.00 0 0.00%
May $375.00 $456.00 $0.00 0 0.00%
June $475.00 $676.00 $0.00 0 0.00%
July $200.00 $380.00 $0.00 0 0.00%
August $375.00 $501.00 $0.00 0 0.00%
September $499.00 $716.88 $0.00 0 0.00%
October $236.00 $479.38 $0.00 0 0.00%
November $418.00 $514.57 $0.00 0 0.00%
December $624.00 $760.03 $0.00 0 0.00%
YTD Total $4,169.00 $6,192.86 $639.12 $272.12 -89.68%

My total dividend haul this year has started off well at $639.12. I only need $5,553.74 to hit my last years total

January Monies

Last year I passed my prior year in October. I’m trying to beat 2016 total even sooner this year.

How Much Free Money?

Year Total Dividends Received
2014 $2,421.00
2015 $4,169.00
2016 $6,193.00
2017 $639.00
2018 $0.00
2019 $0.00
2020 $0.00
Total  $13,422

Since 2014 I have received $13,422 of free money just to own some companies.

That’s enough free money to buy my a brand new…

Mitsubishi Mirage ($12,698)


I hope everyone else has a great year.

Dividend Income – January 2017 Read More »

Recent Stock Purchases

Recent Stock Purchases and Sales

What’s up FIRE bros. I’ve been doing some buying and got to throw it out there.

FIRST, some questions.

  • Is the market expensive? YES
  • Are yields Low? YES
  • Are earnings weak? YES
  • IS there going to be a crash soon? Hopefuly!
  • So why buy?

Because…markets are impossible to time.

If you would have told me in February  2016 when the DJI was 16,100, that by the end of the year it would hit 20,000 I would have fell off my chair laughing. ABSURD,  I would have vehemently proclaimed!

Alas, we are here.

Recent Stock Purchases

I reluctantly bow my head to the Mad Hatter Market and push all in.


Companies I Bought

Company SymbolCompany NameShares PurchasedPurchase PriceTotal Dollar AmountYearly Income
[stock_quote symbol="TSE:AQN"]Algonquin Power & Utilities Corp500$11.18$5,590$285.40
[stock_quote symbol="TSE:CPG"]Crescent Point Energy300$16.63$4,989
Total Yearly Div Increase$393.40

Companies I sold



Recent Stock Purchases



What Does This Company Do? 

Algonquin Power & Utilities is a diversified North American utility. It has a portfolio of wind, solar, hydroelectric, thermal, and natural gas power-generating facilities, which have an installed capacity of 1,185 megawatts.

Why I Like It

I’m really hot and heavy on AQN right now. I bought 500 shares but I plan to add 1000 more on any dips. The company is like a better Fortis in my opinion. I’m getting a yield of 4.88% at $11.18.

It has a payout ratio of about 50% and most of its earnings are rate-regulated which translates to more stable and predictable earnings.

The dividend has grown from US$0.06 to US$0.1059 cents, which equates to an annualized growth of 9.9% since 2010. The company plans to increase its dividend by 10% per year based on increase earnings and cash flow.

CPG yoWhat Does This Company Do?

Crescent Point Energy Corp is involved in acquiring and holding interests in petroleum and natural gas properties and assets related through a general partnership and wholly owned subsidiaries.

Why I Like It

This is going a little bit against the grain. A contrarian play if you like. I bought 300 share and will add 200 more if it dips to the $14 range. I like this company because it is in a good position for the continued recovery of oil.

It has had positive surprises in the last 2 quarters and has learned how to cut costs in a serious way. They have reduced their debt from $4.2B in 3rd quarter 2015 to $3.6B in 3rd quarter 2016.

Major investors also raised their stakes following strong investor sentiment towards Crescent Point stock, including TD Management Inc., which raised its stake by 12.9%. Vanguard Group Inc. also boosted its stake in the company by 10.7% in the previous quarter.

It also pays a small dividend which should grow once it turns the key on some new assets in Saskatchewan.

Boy that province is tough to spell!

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