My monthly investing update

Dividend Income

Dividend Income – May 2017

Last month I received a dividend income of $931.34 for April and May looks pretty decent as well. I’m definitely having a banner year so far but summer is a coming. Saying that, I plan to scale everything back a little so I can enjoy more time with the wife and kids for July and August.

This year, my goal is to pass $8,000 in total dividends received. Let’s check  out what happened in May.

May Dividend Income

For the month of May I received dividends from 15 different companies.

TickerCompany NameDividend
TSE:AX.UNArtis REIT$102.33
TSE:RYRoyal Bank$91.35
TSE:NVU.UNNorthview Apartment REIT$84.60
TSE:PLZ.UNPlaza REIT$73.51
TSE:D.UNDream Office REIT$38.25
GISGeneral Mills$31.68
OReality Income$21.10
TSE:PZAPizza Pizza$17.90
TSE:PWFPower Financial$15.68

I received $733.18 in dividends for the month of May.

This blows past my previous quarter by a staggering $176 dollars. Not a bad jump in 3 months 🙂

What can I buy??

Every month, after I have tallied my dividend totals, I like to see what I could do with all the free money. I do this for two reasons.

The first being that I like to feel rewarded for my hard work and when I can imagine what the money could buy me, it becomes more real than say, 4 shares of 8 different companies.

The second reason is that I fully expect to look back here in say a decade and ponder what could have been had I been a consumer rather than a saver. I imagine I will look back at that BBQ or TV in 10 years from now and I’d be just about throwing the thing out.

Now, saying that, I’m going to buy a brand new…

Outbound Steel Frame Pool, 16-ft x 48-in

Regular Price: $749.99

May DividendsNope, my yard is too small. Plus I have a outdoor public pool that costs $2 for the day!

Like every month, I DRIP my dividends and buy back more shares, usually at a market discount. This is the secret to investing.

The money that I make (dividends) will now continue to make their own money! And on and on it goes.

The reason I like to invest my money through dividend reinvesting is 2 parts.

  1. I don’t pay a transaction fee, which doesn’t seem like much, but they do add up fast.
  2. I get a DRIP discount on new shares below market price, usually by around 3-5%More lines

Nuts and Bolts

  • My year over year increase was 60.79% or $277.18 more than May 2016
  • My quarter over quarter increase was 31.57%
Month 2015 2016 2017 2017 $ INC 2017 % INC
January $152.00 $367.00 $639.12 $272.12 74.15%
February $229.00 $427.00 $557.24 $130.24 30.50%
March $385.00 $602.00 $850.50 $248.50 41.28%
April $201.00 $313.00 $931.94 $618.94 197.74%
May $375.00 $456.00 $733.18 $277.18 60.79%
June $475.00 $676.00 $0.00 0 0.00%
July $200.00 $380.00 $0.00 0 0.00%
August $375.00 $501.00 $0.00 0 0.00%
September $499.00 $716.88 $0.00 0 0.00%
October $236.00 $479.38 $0.00 0 0.00%
November $418.00 $514.57 $0.00 0 0.00%
December $624.00 $760.03 $0.00 0 0.00%
YTD Total $4,169.00 $6,192.86 $3,711.98 $1,546.98 0.00%

One of my goals for 2017 is to increase my dividend payout an average of $170 per month over the previous year. I’m moving quite ahead of schedule with an average increase of $309.40 per month. ($1,546.98/5). Saying that, I don’t expect to keep up at this breakneck pace through summer.MoneyMy total dividend haul this year has already passed my 2014 total year and I should pass my 2015 mark by the end of June 🙂 I’m currently sitting at $3,711.98 and it’s only June 1st

How Much Free Money?

Year Total Dividends Received
2014 $2,421.00
2015 $4,169.00
2016 $6,193.00
2017 $3,711.98
2018 $0.00
2019 $0.00
2020 $0.00
Total  $16,494.84

Since 2014 I have received $16,494.84 worth of dividends. This does not include any capital appreciation.

Every month I like to see what my total dividend income could purchase if I chose to spend it on frivolous stuff. Seeing as my monthly dividend bought me a fancy new above ground swimming pool, I thought what else could I buy to master my back stroke.

Turns out I could buy a …



This does look cool but I fully expect my dividends to continue to work for me and in time buy me not only the pool but the house as well.

Until next time.


Stay classy Fire bros

Dividend Income – May 2017 Read More »

april dividend income

Dividend Income – April 2017

Last month I received a dividend income of $850.50 for March. I crushed my year over year increase goal of $170 per month with a legit $248.50 increase. I’m hoping to keep this momentum going as I press forward through April.

This year, my goal is to pass $8,000 in total dividends received. Let’s check  it out. 

April Dividend Income

For the month of April I received dividends from 16 different companies.

TickerCompany NameDividend
TSE:AX.UNArtis REIT$101.70
WPCW.P. Carey$99.50
TSE:NVU.UNNorthview Apartment REIT$84.20
TSE:PLZ.UNPlaza REIT$73.17
TSE:D.UNDream Office REIT$38.13
WDCWestern Digital$35.00
OReality Income$21.10
TSE:PZAPizza Pizza$17.83

I received $931.94 in dividends for the month of April.

This is a new personal record, blowing past last month’s record $850.

With over $900 bucks burning a hole in my pocket, it’s time to go shopping! With spring in the air, I think I will buy a brand new…

Weber Genesis II E-410 gas grill.


Burn baby burn

With evenness performance and the ability to cook over 28 hamburgers at the same time, I would be a fool not to purchase this exquisite beast of master cookery.

I guess I’m a fool.

Like every month, I DRIP my dividends and buy back more shares, usually at a market discount. This is the secret to investing.

The money that I make (dividends) will now continue to make their own money! And on and on it goes.

The reason I like to invest my money through dividend reinvesting is 2 parts.

  1. I don’t pay a transaction fee, which doesn’t seem like much, but they do add up fast.
  2. I get a DRIP discount on new shares below market price, usually by around 3-5%dividend income

Nuts and Bolts

  • My year over year increase was 197.74% or $618.94 more than April 2016
  • My quarter over quarter increase was 45.82%
  • This was a ridiculous quarter almost entirely due to my new position in AQN
  • I do not expect to ever see this big of a gain again unless I win the lotto.
Month 2015 2016 2017 2017 $ INC 2017 % INC
January $152.00 $367.00 $639.12 $272.12 74.15%
February $229.00 $427.00 $557.24 $130.24 30.50%
March $385.00 $602.00 $850.50 $248.50 41.28%
April $201.00 $313.00 $931.94 $618.94 197.74%
May $375.00 $456.00 $0.00 0 0.00%
June $475.00 $676.00 $0.00 0 0.00%
July $200.00 $380.00 $0.00 0 0.00%
August $375.00 $501.00 $0.00 0 0.00%
September $499.00 $716.88 $0.00 0 0.00%
October $236.00 $479.38 $0.00 0 0.00%
November $418.00 $514.57 $0.00 0 0.00%
December $624.00 $760.03 $0.00 0 0.00%
YTD Total $4,169.00 $6,192.86 $2,978.80 $1269.80 0.00%

One of my goals for 2017 is to increase my dividend payout an average of $170 per month over the previous year. I’m moving quite ahead of schedule with an average increase of $317.45 per month. ($1269.80/4). Saying that, I don’t expect to keep up at this breakneck pace through summer.

April dividend incomeMy total dividend haul this year has already passed my 2014 total year! I’m currently sitting at $2,978.80 and it’s only May 1st. It’s crazy to think that I have already passed my 2014 total in just 4 months! How cool is that.

How Much Free Money?

Year Total Dividends Received
2014 $2,421.00
2015 $4,169.00
2016 $6,193.00
2017 $2,978.80
2018 $0.00
2019 $0.00
2020 $0.00
Total  $15,761.66

Since 2014 I have received $15,761.66 worth of dividends. This does not include any capital appreciation.

Every month I like to see what my total dividend income could purchase if I chose to spend it on frivolous stuff. Seeing as my monthly dividend bought me a fancy new BBQ, I thought what else could I buy to enhance my chef type abilities?

Turns out I could buy a whole darn kitchen 🙂

Mid range kitchen $15,000

I wouldn’t call this a frivolous purchase and If I did spend my dividends it would most likely be on something like this, I know my wife would like it 🙂

Unfortunately for her, I’m a dividend reinvestor and one day (maybe) my dividends dividends can buy her one of these.

Until then,

Stay classy Fire bros

Dividend Income – April 2017 Read More »

Dividend Income – March 2017

Last month I received a dividend income of $557.24 for the month of February. It was a good month in terms of YoY growth and met the expectation of not having a month this year under the $500 mark. February is typically the worst month of the year for my dividend schedule. This should be the last time I ever see a $500 month and I expect March to crush that benchmark.

This year, my goal is to pass $8,000 in total dividends received. Let’s check out March.

March Dividend Income

For the month of March I received dividends from 18 different companies.

TickerCompany NameDividend
TSE:AX.UNArtis REIT$101.07
TSE:NVU.UNNorthview Apartment REIT$84.06
TSE:CWBCanadian Western Bank$83.03
TSE:PLZ.UNPlaza REIT$72.83
ORIOld Republic$66.50
TSE:BIP.UNBrookfield Infr$52.00
TSE:D.UNDream Office REIT$38.00
TSE:XTCExco Technologies$31.20
TSE:PZAPizza Pizza$16.04
TSE:POWPower Corp$11.73

I received $850.50 in dividends for the month of March.

This is a new personal record, blowing past my Dec 2016 record of $760. That is an increase of $90 in a measly 3 months.

I can’t wait to go out and spend all this free money. What should I buy with my $850 bucks? Maybe a new…

His and Hers Apple Watch 2: $369 each.

March dividends
It’s about time!


As any reader knows, I prefer to spend my dividends on things that go up in value. I chose to DRIP my dividends.

I know many people don’t like to DRIP and prefer to take cash instead. The reason I like to invest my money through dividend reinvesting is 2 parts.

  1. I don’t pay a transaction fee, which doesn’t seem like much, but they do add up fast.
  2. I get a DRIP discount on new shares below market price, usually by around 3-5%

    More free money
    Orange is my new favorite colour. 

Nuts and Bolts

  • My year over year increase was 41.20% or $248.50 more than March 2016
  • My quarter over quarter increase was 11.90%
  • Another solid quarter


Month 2015 2016 2017 2017 $ INC 2017 % INC
January $152.00 $367.00 $639.12 $272.12 74.15%
February $229.00 $427.00 $557.24 $130.24 30.50%
March $385.00 $602.00 $850.50 $248.50 41.28%
April $201.00 $313.00 $0.00 0 0.00%
May $375.00 $456.00 $0.00 0 0.00%
June $475.00 $676.00 $0.00 0 0.00%
July $200.00 $380.00 $0.00 0 0.00%
August $375.00 $501.00 $0.00 0 0.00%
September $499.00 $716.88 $0.00 0 0.00%
October $236.00 $479.38 $0.00 0 0.00%
November $418.00 $514.57 $0.00 0 0.00%
December $624.00 $760.03 $0.00 0 0.00%
YTD Total $4,169.00 $6,192.86 $2,046.86 $650.86 0.00%

One of my goals for 2017 is to increase my dividend payout an average of $170 per month over the previous year. I’m slightly ahead of schedule with an average increase of $216.95 per month. ($650.86/3)

Up up and away
Blue bars.

My total dividend haul this year is getting very close to my 2014 total year! I’m currently sitting at $2,046.86 and it’s only April 1st. It’s crazy to think that I have already accumulated 95% of my 2014 total in just 3 months! How cool is that.

How Much Free Money?

Year Total Dividends Received
2014 $2,421.00
2015 $4,169.00
2016 $6,193.00
2017 $2,046.86
2018 $0.00
2019 $0.00
2020 $0.00
Total  $14,8299

Since 2014 I have received $14,829 worth of dividends. This does not include any capital appreciation.

Every month I like to see what my dividend income can purchase if I chose to spend it on frivolous stuff. Seeing as my monthly dividend bought me a pair of his and her Apple Watches, I found a couple of nice Rolexes for just over $12,000 and would still have enough left over for a nice holiday.

Rolex Milgauss 116400 and 116400GV.

A better time.

Stay classy Fire bros

Dividend Income – March 2017 Read More »