My monthly investing update

September dividend income 2017


Hi, what a September!

I must admit, it was hard getting back to work after taking much of the summer off. I just finished a 30 day non stop work project that had me working close to 100 hours per week. 


I’m also getting close to buying my first real estate investment property and it’s very consuming.


The last update I had was $775.78 for AugustI didn’t buy too many stocks throughout the summer but my dividends kept rolling in.

My goal for this year is to collect over $8000 in dividends and as of my last update in August I was sitting at a total of $6,557, already surpassing last year’s total!

Here is my numbers for September 2017. 


September Dividend Income

For the month of September I received dividends from 16 different companies.

TickerCompany NameSeptember 2017
TSE:NVU.UNNorthview Apartment REIT$105.79
TSE:AX.UNArtis REIT$104.94
TSE:CWBCanadian Western Bank$102.72
TSE:PLZ.UNPlaza REIT$90.88
TSE:BIP.UNBrookfield Infr$59.31
ORealty Income$21.15
TSE:PZAPizza Pizza$18.18
  • I received $1093.00 in dividends for the month of September

Another record breaking month.

At the beginning of the year I was hoping to get at least one month above $1000 dollars but now I’m pretty close to hitting $1100! After all of the grinding I’ve done in the last 5 years I feel like it’s starting to pay off, literally 🙂

Dividend Increase and highlights

  • Canadian Western Bank – $0.23 to $0.24 per Q

14 out of my 23 companies have raised their dividends so far this year.

4 out of my 23 companies have raised their dividends 2 or more times so far this year.

I have not had a dividend cut so far this year.

What can I buy?

Well, a funny thing happened to me the other week. My wife and I were looking at booking a quick trip to mexico and as I was looking at the places I thought to myself “my dividends could pay for my trip.”

Even a few weeks later I find it hard to believe that every month my dividends could buy me a week of an all inclusive vacation to Mexico!

Grand Sunset Princess All Suites and Spa Resort 


5 stars *****

I could live a quarter of my life here just from my dividends!

That’s crazy… but why settle for a week a month, why not all month/all year.

That’s the reason I like to  DRIP my dividends and buy back more shares, usually at a market discount. This is the secret to investing. Low cost (or zero cost) fees to purchase more compounding shares.

The money that I make (dividends) will now continue to make their own money! And on and on it goes.

The reason I like to invest my money through dividend reinvesting is 2 parts.

  1. I don’t pay a transaction fee, which doesn’t seem like much, but they do add up fast.
  2. I get a DRIP discount on new shares below market price, usually by around 3-5%

Nuts and Bolts

September income


  • My year over year increase for September was 52.47% or $376.12 more than September 2016
  • My quarter over quarter increase was 9.89% or $98.38 more than 3 months ago
Month 2015 2016 2017 2017 $ INC 2017 % INC
January $152.00 $367.00 $639.12 $272.12 74.15%
February $229.00 $427.00 $557.24 $130.24 30.50%
March $385.00 $602.00 $850.50 $248.50 41.28%
April $201.00 $313.00 $931.94 $618.94 197.74%
May $375.00 $456.00 $733.18 $277.18 60.79%
June $475.00 $676.00 $994.62 $318.62 47.13%
July $200.00 $380.00 $1075.13 $695.13 182.93%
August $375.00 $501.00 $775.78 $274.78 54.85%
September $499.00 $716.88 $1093.00 $376.12 52.47%
October $236.00 $479.38 $0.00 0 0.00%
November $418.00 $514.57 $0.00 0 0.00%
December $624.00 $760.03 $0.00 0 0.00%
YTD Total $4,169.00 $6,192.86 $7,650.51 $3,211.63 0.00%

One of my goals for 2017 is to increase my dividend payout an average of $170 per month over the previous year. I’m moving quite ahead of schedule with an average increase of $356.85 per month. ($3,211.63/9).

How Much Free Money?Annual Div Income

I’ve earned $7,650.51 in dividends for the first 9 months of this year.

Year Total Dividends Received
2014 $2,421.00
2015 $4,169.00
2016 $6,193.00
2017 $7,650.51
2018 $0.00
2019 $0.00
2020 $0.00
Total  $20,433.37

My total dividend haul this year has already passed my 2016 total and creeping up on my 2017 goal of $8,000. We still have 3 more months to go and I should pass my goal next month.

Since 2014 I have received $20.422.37 worth of dividends. This does not include any capital appreciation.

Every month I like to see what my total dividend income could purchase if I chose to spend it on non investing stuff.

Turns out I could buy a …

A trip around the world


How to travel the world for a year for less than $20K

Don’t get me wrong, I do want to travel the world but for now I’m going to keep stacking these dividends.

Until next time.

Stay classy Fire bros



Dividend Income – June, July and August all rolled into one ball of greatness

Hello, August is over. I’m back from holidays, ready to get back to work and collect some dividends!

The last update I had was $733.18 for May and I was making pretty good headway for the year. This year I planned to take most of the summer off and focus on my family and in hindsight it was not only the right move but an awesome move!


I feel rejuvenated, refreshed and ready to keep pushing forward.

Saying that, I was still expecting my dividends to keep rolling in and was looking forward to a good few months.
This year, my goal is to pass $8,000 in total dividends received. Let’s check  out what happened in June, July and August.

June, July, August Dividend Income

For the month of June I received dividends from 18 different companies, July -14 and August – 13.

TickerCompany NameJuneJulyAugust
TSE:NVU.UNNorthview Apartment REIT$85.01$104.57$105.25
TSE:PZAPizza Pizza$17.97$18.04$18.11
OReality Income$21.10$21.15$21.15
TSE:AX.UNArtis REIT$102.96$103.59$104.31
TSE:PLZ.UNPlaza REIT$73.85$89.96$90.41
WDCWestern Digital$35.00
WPCW.P. Carey$100.00
TSE:RYRoyal Bank$91.35
GISGeneral Mills$32.34
TSE:BIP.UNBrookfield Infr$59.31
TSE:CWBCanadian Western Bank$97.75
TSE:D.UNDream Office REIT$38.38
TSE:XTCExco Technologies$31.20
  • I received $996.30 in dividends for the month of June
  • I received $1075,13 in dividends for the month of July (BOOM)
  • I received $775.78 in dividends for the month of August

$4 dollars.

Yup, I was $4 bucks off of hitting the $1000 mark for June but managed to hit that milestone one month later in July 🙂

The last 3 months brought in a total of $2847.21

Dividend Increase and highlights

  • Realty Income – 1%, 92nd increase since 1994
  • Enbridge – 10% Mar 1st. , 5% June 1st. 22nd consecutive years
  • W.P. Carey – 1%, 16 consecutive years, 3rd raise this year
  • Omega Healthcare – 1.6%, Omega has now increased its common dividend 20 consecutive quarters
  • General Mills – 2%,  General Mills have paid dividends without interruption for 118 years

What can I buy

with all that free money that I banked over the summer without lifting a finger?


AMSEC BLC3024 C-Rated Burglar Safe

$ 2,720.00

To hold all the money these companies are throwing my way!

In all seriousness, everyone should have a safe but I choose to keep valuables in a safety deposit box at the bank for around $4 dollars a month.

Like every month, I DRIP my dividends and buy back more shares, usually at a market discount. This is the secret to investing.

The money that I make (dividends) will now continue to make their own money! And on and on it goes.

The reason I like to invest my money through dividend reinvesting is 2 parts.

  1. I don’t pay a transaction fee, which doesn’t seem like much, but they do add up fast.
  2. I get a DRIP discount on new shares below market price, usually by around 3-5%

Nuts and Bolts


  • My year over year increase for June was 47.13% or $318.62 more than June 2016
  • My quarter over quarter increase was 16.95% or $144.12 more than 3 months ago


  • My year over year increase for July was 182.93% or $695.13 more than July 2016
  • My quarter over quarter increase was 15.36% or $143.19 more than 3 months ago


  • My year over year increase for August was 54.85% or $274.78 more than August 2016
  • My quarter over quarter increase was 5.81% or $42.60 more than 3 months ago
Month 2015 2016 2017 2017 $ INC 2017 % INC
January $152.00 $367.00 $639.12 $272.12 74.15%
February $229.00 $427.00 $557.24 $130.24 30.50%
March $385.00 $602.00 $850.50 $248.50 41.28%
April $201.00 $313.00 $931.94 $618.94 197.74%
May $375.00 $456.00 $733.18 $277.18 60.79%
June $475.00 $676.00 $994.62 $318.62 47.13%
July $200.00 $380.00 $1075.13 $695.13 182.93%
August $375.00 $501.00 $775.78 $274.78 54.85%
September $499.00 $716.88 $0.00 0 0.00%
October $236.00 $479.38 $0.00 0 0.00%
November $418.00 $514.57 $0.00 0 0.00%
December $624.00 $760.03 $0.00 0 0.00%
YTD Total $4,169.00 $6,192.86 $6,557.51 $2,835.51 0.00%

One of my goals for 2017 is to increase my dividend payout an average of $170 per month over the previous year. I’m moving quite ahead of schedule with an average increase of $354.44 per month. ($2,835/8).

See ya 2016 ~

My total dividend haul this year has already passed my 2016 total and we still have 4 more months to collect juicy dividends. 

How Much Free Money?

Year Total Dividends Received
2014 $2,421.00
2015 $4,169.00
2016 $6,193.00
2017 $6,557.51
2018 $0.00
2019 $0.00
2020 $0.00
Total  $19,340.37

Since 2014 I have received $19,340.37 worth of dividends. This does not include any capital appreciation.

Every month I like to see what my total dividend income could purchase if I chose to spend it on non investing stuff.

Turns out I could buy a …

2017 Subaru Impreza

MSRP of $18,395

It looks pretty fancy but I think I can still pound out a few more miles on my 2007 honda civic and keep my dividends rolling over.

Until next time.

Stay classy Fire bros

Dividend Income – June, July and August all rolled into one ball of greatness Read More »

What have I been up to? 2017 Trading history so far

Good question!


This is my trading history so far this year.

2017-01-17SellMagna International Inc.20$57.50
2017-01-17BuyAlgonquin Power & Utilities Corp1006$11.35
2017-01-23BuyAltagas Ltd50$32.29
2017-02-06BuyCrescent Point Energy Corp200$14.05
2017-02-07BuyBrookfield Infrastructure Partners L.P.54$46.20
2017-02-10BuyShaw Communications Inc235$28.10
2017-02-10BuyISHARES 1-5 YR LADDER GOVT BOND ETF1213$18.54
2017-02-21SellBoardwalk REIT100$44.60
2017-02-21BuyExco Technologies Limited390$11.65
2017-02-27BuyEnbridge Inc110$55.60
2017-02-27SellAmerican International Group Inc100$63.78
2017-02-27SellFranklin Resources, Inc.150$42.47
2017-02-27SellOld Republic International Corporation350$20.51
2017-03-06BuyAlaris Royalty Corp.200$21.67
2017-03-08BuyRealty Income Corp100$58.30
2017-03-13BuyPizza Pizza Royalty Corp25$17.14
2017-03-15BuyShopify Inc60$85.67
2017-03-20BuyAltagas Ltd200$30.89
2017-03-22BuyNike Inc50$54.78
2017-03-22BuyW.P. Carey Inc. REIT100$61.14
2017-03-27BuyBMO Low Volatility Canada Equity ETF220$29.34
2017-03-30BuyPivot Technology Solutions Inc420$1.68
2017-04-05BuyOmega Healthcare Investors Inc120$33.35
2017-04-05BuyGeneral Mills, Inc.66$58.64
2017-04-07BuyEnbridge Inc44$56.50
2017-04-21SellTransAlta Corporation898$7.04
2017-04-21BuyEnbridge Income Fund Holdings Inc187$33.73
2017-04-21BuyEnbridge Inc46$56.00
2017-05-05BuyEnbridge Inc40$56.00
2017-05-17SellPower Financial Corp38$32.08
2017-05-17BuyCanadian Western Bank62$25.50
2017-05-19BuyEnbridge Inc40$53.39
2017-05-05BuyEnbridge Income Fund Holdings Inc153$32.50
2017-05-30BuyBMO Low Volatility Canada Equity ETF395$30.00
2017-06-02BuyEnbridge Inc40$52.71
2017-06-14BuyEnbridge Inc40$50.42

Pretty standard moves so far.

As you can see, I’m moving pretty heavy into utilities.

Trading history
This guy seems smart

I plan on owning around 500 shares of ENB so I will keep buying this company until I feel like my weight is right. It currently pays $0.61 per quarter dividend and has raised it twice so far this year with the expectation of  a 10% increase per year until 2024.

What have I been up to? 2017 Trading history so far Read More »